Friday, February 28, 2014

blog 16

I would be Huck Finn because I frequently tend to break the break the the rules and usualy do not listen to adults. I  also tend to do my own thing instead of doing what I am supposed to do. I would probably run away from the trouble instead of dealing with it first hand.I am also 50% fee spirited and 50% stubborn,headstrong,practical,sensible.I  enjoy camping like Huck does.

Friday, February 7, 2014

blog # 15

Mark Twain was an influential author because he tended to entertain his readers by his suspicious novels.I also learned that Mark Twain was born on the Missippi  ,he was a very funny author of his times,I also believe that there is a possibility that Huckleberry Finn was maybe based on Mark Twains own life.

blog post # 14

The key aspects of Realism Literature include: -The purpose of the writing is “to instruct and entertain” -Character is more important than plot. -Subject matter is drawn from real life experience. -The realists reject symbolism and romanticizing of subjects. -Settings are usually those familiar to the author. -Plots emphasized “the norm of daily experience” -Ordinary characters Which of these aspects excite you the most? Why? Which aspects interest you the least? Why?  
the aspects that interest me are real life experiences because it gives you a more clear look at the world.

Friday, December 13, 2013

blog 13

people can use their own intution to behold god as spirit reveled in nature or their own soul.everything in the world including human beings is a reflection of the Divine Soul.Each individual soul is made up of the same stuff as the universal soul.I believe that these are ones that i personaly follow in my daily life because my whole life is based around the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.spontaneous feelings and intuiton are superior to deliberate intellectionalisim and rationality, this is the one that i believe i steer away from everyday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

blog post 12

familiar letter-this poem was very interesting it was written by oiver wendell holmes senior.

blog 11

yes i agree with those ideas but i firmly believe there needs to be more than just imagination,individual feelings,wild nature,i feel that there needs to be more family,social,religous, activity in their lives.